Virtual Advertising Opportunities

Banner Ad on Event Platform - $500

  • The banner ad is a great way to advertise your company, product or highlight anything you want others to know about.

  • SPPP can target who sees your ad based on attendee type if needed (ex. job openings could be targeted to Early Career attendees).

  • Your ad can be linked to your website.

  • Metrics can be provided after the event on attendee engagement with your ad.

Ad Specs
444 x 306 pixels
Formats accepted: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF(not animated)

Virtual Exhibitor Booth - $1200

  • The exhibitor booth is great for those that want to provide more information to the attendee.

  • SPPP will feature exhibitor booths on the home page of the attendee website and app.

  • You will have access to add and edit your virtual booth content.

  • Add videos, pictures, files, links, etc… for attendee engagement

  • Metrics can be provided after the event on attendee engagement with your booth.

Banner Ad & Virtual Exhibitor Booth - $1500

  • Combine both packages and receive full attendee attention.

The committee will review all requests and send an invoice once approved.